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The roof of your house contributes to the beauty of your house. It also protects your house from extreme heat and other environmental effects. However, even though roofs are designed to withstand every environmental effect, they usually get damaged due to the wind as time passes.

It is said that the average roof can withstand up to 90 mph winds and even higher in areas with more significant risks of a hurricane. However, in reality, it doesn’t take hurricane winds to damage a roof. Everything damages over time.

Ways of wind damage

To prevent Lakewood wind damage on your roof, you first need to understand where it originates from. Most of these ways are ignored as harmless, but they are continually damaging your roof. Continue reading to know what they are.

High wind damage

High winds do not necessarily mean powerful hurricane winds. There is no doubt that hurricane winds can damage your roof, but winds that are slower than those can easily damage your roof over time. They can cause your shingles to fall off or break.

There is also a possibility of a chain reaction being started due to falling shingles. Strong winds are also known to bring debris along with them, which hits your roof, causing damage.

Tree branches

 People grow many trees around their houses, which grow branches reaching out to your roof. This might look aesthetically pleasing, but it’s causing more damage than you can think of. Even slow and harmless winds can constantly move tree branches, which ultimately hit your roof, damaging and wearing off your shingles. With strong winds in place, trees can instantly damage your roof.

Water damage

As winds hit your roof, they damage your shingles and move the flashing or gutter out of place, causing water damage. The shingles and debris from your roof can end up filling up your gutter, which causes water to stop flowing.

Identifying wind damage

To fix any problem, you need to identify it first. As discussed earlier, winds usually damage your shingles. So, it would be best if you kept an eye on their condition. Missing shingles, curling shingles, and lifting shingles show that your roof is being damaged through winds or even through tree branches. The easiest way to spot water damage through winds is by checking the top floor of your house for wet spots or any leakages. You can also look for shingle granules in the gutter, as they usually accumulate there.


Now you can start looking for solutions as you have all the knowledge about wind damage to roofs. If you have long tree branches reaching out to your rooftop, it’s better to have the tree trimmed, so it cannot reach your roof. For wind damage to your shingles, you can call in an expert to have them maintained or even do it yourself. It would help if you also tried clearing up the gutter and fixing the flashing back into its spot, to prevent water leakages.


Don’t forget to pay attention to your roof; it helps your home to look good while keeping you safe and sound from environmental damages. However, a properly built rooftop will be easier to maintain than a poorly built one.

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